Dr. Bob Lackey is professor of fisheries science at Oregon State University. In 2008, he retired after 27 years with the Environmental Protection Agency’s national research laboratory in Corvallis where he served as Deputy Director, Associate Director for Science, and in other senior science leadership positions. Since his very first fisheries and wildlife job in a trout hatchery, he has worked on an assortment of environmental and natural resource issues from various positions in government and academia. His professional assignments involved diverse and politically contentious issues, but mostly he has operated at the interface between science and policy. He has published over 100 articles in scientific journals, written hundreds more for general interest audiences, and is a fellow of the American Fisheries Society and the American Institute of Fishery Research Biologists. Dr. Lackey has long been an educator, having taught at five North American universities and currently teaches a graduate course in ecological policy at Oregon State University.
Salmon 2100 is an innovative project to identify and describe specific, practical policy and management options that, if adopted, will likely would restore and sustain wild salmon runs in California, Oregon, Washington, Idaho, and southern British Columbia through 2100. The Salmon 2100 Project was organized jointly by Oregon State University's Center for Water and Environmental Sustainability and EPA’s research laboratory in Corvallis, Oregon. It is co-led by Dr. Robert Lackey and Dr. Denise Lach and involves 30 leading Pacific Northwest scientists and policy experts, each of whom possesses recognized scientific and analytical credentials, a track record for innovative thinking about salmon and ecosystem recovery, and a demonstrated ability to think beyond the status quo. Each team member is tasked with synthesizing and applying the best available scientific information to the challenge of protecting and restoring salmon runs. Their findings will be published by the American Fisheries Society in a book.
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